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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Ways To Conserve Water

4/16/2022 (Permalink)

Three Water-Saving Techniques

Water issues in your community may have you looking for ways to cut costs and conserve water at your business in Park Meadows, CO. Not only is this good business sense, it's good for the environment, but it can be hard to know what to do. Here are three ways to conserve water.

1. Replace Faucets

Especially in a large office building, a lot of water gets used in bathrooms and kitchens. One water upgrade that will actually lower your monthly bills is to install touch-free faucets. The initial cost may be high, but the faucet won't be left running by a forgetful employee, and the upgrade will pay for itself over time. A less costly option is to replace the aerators on your faucets. Lower pressure means less water consumption. Hands still get clean, but you can save gallons of water.

2. Manage Irrigation

When does your irrigation schedule change? If the answer is "Never," it's an easy fix that will definitely save money and conserve water. There's no need to run the irrigation system during the rainy season. Even in dry seasons, you may not need to run the irrigation for as long as you think. The best way to decide this is to sub-meter your irrigation system so that you can see exactly how much water is being used for the plants. Try running the irrigation for ten fewer minutes at each session. If your plants don't die, you've found a way to save.

3. Check for Leaks

One major source of costly water issues is invisible leaks. There may be a single toilet in the building that runs all the time or a pipe deep in a wall that has developed a leak. If your water bill begins to creep up inexplicably, call a water damage restoration specialist to inspect your building. If they discover a leak, they will talk you through the process of getting it repaired, saving money and conserving water.

You care about the water issues in your community, your bottom line, and the environment. These tips can save money and conserve water for the benefit of your company and the community.

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