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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Storm Damage Before & After Photos

Local Theater Flooded

Theater flooded in the middle of the night. This local business called us when some of their employees noticed water pooling at the bottom of the theater. They ... READ MORE

Roof Damage Causes Warehouse to Shut Down

Flooding From Roof Damage Storm drains on the roof were clogged with debris which caused the water to find its way into the building. We received a call early i... READ MORE

Flooding in Strip Mall Area

Cleaning up Flood Damage in Englewood The heavy rains caused the strip mall to have water flood the inside. The manager of the strip mall didn't know what to do... READ MORE

Storm Damage in Facility

Large Flooding in Warehouse When a large flood is in a large commercial building it's necessary to have the right equipment. During the cleanup process we were ... READ MORE

Roof Damaged Business

Catching Water in Water Baskets The roof of this building was damaged over time and the recent storms didn't help. The roof started to leak and the employees ha... READ MORE

East Littleton Flood Damage

Flood Cleanup For Commercial Buildings Flooding is always hard to deal with, especially when it happens in a large building. The employees cannot come to work a... READ MORE