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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How To Make a Flood Insurance Claim in 3 Simple Steps

3/31/2022 (Permalink)

How To Make a Flood Insurance Claim

Starting cleanup efforts when a flood impacts your Greenwood Village, CO, home can be daunting. You may not know where to begin or how to go about draining away standing water. However, you can start the process by making a flood claim to your local insurance company so you can be compensated for damages as soon as possible. If you have never made such a claim before, there are a few simple steps you can take right away.

1. Take Photos of the Damage

Before you begin cleanup, take photos of all the water damage so you can send them to your insurance agent, whom you should contact right away. Remember to take this step only if it is safe to enter your home after a flood. Avoid immersing any part of your body in water that could be contaminated and use your zoom lens to take photos from a safe distance until the water can be drained away.

2. Do Not Wait for the Insurance Adjuster

Waiting for your insurance adjuster to arrive so you can make a claim may cause further damage to your home. This can be especially true if outdoor flooding has affected multiple homes on your block, as it may take the adjuster several days to reach you. In the meantime, have water drained so the drying process can begin, as this can reduce the chance of mold growth.

3. Set Aside All Damaged Items

If you call in flood damage and restoration service to help you after a flood, it is a good idea to ask them about which of your items can be restored and which you will have to list in your flood claim. Avoid throwing any belongings away until they can be examined by your flood techs, as this can make the filing process simpler when the time comes to claim the value of lost items.

Making a flood claim after your Greenwood Village, CO, home suffers water damage can be confusing. However, when you know which steps to take right away, you may have greater peace of mind when it comes to being properly compensated for your losses.

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