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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How To Prevent Basement Floods

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

Five Causes of Basement Floods

A basement flood can cause severe harm to your house and necessitate water damage cleanup services. Luckily, there are some things you can do to limit this type of loss. Here are five common causes of basement floods and how to prevent them.

1. Clogs
Your property likely has a manifold that connects your house to the local sewer system. If the manifold clogs, your property could flood. The water could even destroy the foundation of your home. If you suspect there is a blockage in the gutter system, contact authorities in Centennial, CO, right away.

2. Poor Drainage
Ideally, the downspouts of your drainage system should be more than six feet away from the basement. They also should drain away from the basement rather than toward it. If necessary, have a plumber fix the downspouts so any excess water flows into your yard or the street.

3. Improper Home Location
Even just the site of your house can cause a basement flood. Homes are supposed to be constructed on a slope so water can drain properly. However, if your property is at the bottom of a hill, the fluid could flow right into your basement. Luckily, you do not have to move to solve this problem. Erosion should level any slopes near your house over time.

4. Blocked Roof Gutters
The gutters on your roof can fill with debris. Leaves and snow may block rainwater, causing an overflow of liquid and a flooded basement. You should thus make sure your eavestroughs are cleaned regularly. If the gutters still get clogged, consider purchasing larger gutters that can better handle local storms.

5. Poor Sealing
Water can seep through gaps between the tiles and create a basement flood. Have the seals checked regularly and fix them if necessary.
By properly maintaining your home's gutters, you can reduce the number of floods in your basement. You may also want to contact local professionals who can fix your drainage system or remove major clogs in your pipes.

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