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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How Often Should You Clean Out Your Dryer Vent?

8/31/2022 (Permalink)

To avoid a lint fire in your clothes dryer, you must clean the lint filter after each use. The dryer vent should also be cleaned at least once a year to significantly reduce the risk of a dryer fire in your Greenwood Village, CO home.

Steps To Follow When Cleaning the Dryer Vent

It's important to mention that if you don't have a lot of mechanical ability or physical strength, you should have a professional do the job to avoid costly fire damage repairs.

  • Unplug the dryer and carefully pull it away from the wall.
  • There is a tube connecting your dryer with the dryer vent in the wall. Carefully disconnect the tube using a screwdriver. Different dryer models require different types of screwdrivers.
  • Using your vacuum's nozzle attachment, vacuum out the vent carefully, going as far into the vent as you can. Thoroughly vacuum out the tube as well.
  • Reattach all of the components and push the dryer back into place. Plug the dryer back into the wall socket.

Ways To Keep the Dryer Vent Clean
In addition to cleaning out the dryer vent each year, you can reduce the amount of dirt and lint that works its way into the vent by following a simple routine. This will also reduce the risk of a lint fire.

Keep the floor that surrounds the dryer clean. Sweep up lint and debris after each use.
Dryer sheets can coat the dryer vent, causing lint to build up more easily. You don't need to totally eliminate the use of dryer sheets, but try to limit using them on clothes that create the most static, such as wool socks and polyester materials.
Dry your clothes in the least amount of time needed to get them dry. Cycles of 30 to 40 minutes will allow for better air circulation than longer cycles.

Avoid a costly lint fire in your dryer by following these simple steps.

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