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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What To Do If My Roof Leaks

1/23/2023 (Permalink)

If your roof is leaking, you need to act fast. Not only will leaks damage your home and belongings, but they can also cause mold and mildew. It is important to call a professional cleanup and restoration company as quickly as possible after noticing a roof leak. Until the crew arrives, here are some things you can do.

Turn off electricity

If you have a leak, it's best to turn off your electricity. Turning off the electricity is important because electricity could cause an electric shock when trying to clean up water. Turning off the electricity will also prevent further damage until you can call a highly trained and experienced water cleanup professional.

Locate the source of the leak

It's important to determine where the water is coming from before you can fix it. To find sources of water in your home:

  • Look for stains on ceilings or walls where there shouldn't be any (this could indicate a leak somewhere above)
  • Feel around along cracks in ceilings and walls; if they feel slimy or wet, there might be moisture trapped in them (this could also indicate mold growth)

Contain the leaking water

If water is leaking through your roof, you'll need to act quickly. If the leak is minor, you might be able to contain it with a bucket or other container that can hold the amount of water coming down. This will help keep damage limited and prevent mold from developing on nearby surfaces like walls and floors.

If the leak is severe, however—or if it's too late to save your belongings—you'll want to call a professional as soon as possible. They have experience in fixing leaks and will know how best to approach this situation while protecting your home at all costs.

Remove any valuables

It's not just a matter of fixing the leak, you may also have to get rid of any valuables that may be damaged due to water. This is especially true if your valuables are not water resistant or waterproof or watertight, which means they can't handle being exposed to water for long periods of time. To prevent irreversible damage to your belongings, it is important to move your valuables to a safe location as quickly as possible after noticing a leak.

File an insurance claim

You should file an insurance claim with your insurance company. Documenting the damage is important, especially if there are multiple leaks or the damage is significant. Some restoration companies that you hire, such as SERVPRO, will also deal with the claims process for you.

Get it fixed right away

It can be scary to think about a leaky roof, but it’s important to stay calm and know that there are steps you can take to fix the problem. If your roof is leaking, make sure you get it fixed right away! Don't wait until the roof leaks again and don't try to fix it yourself. Disaster restoration companies, such as SERVPRO of Englewood/East Littleton are trained to handle the cleanup and restoration following a roof leak.

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